Now I'm intrigued. Must not spoil... the... game...
Be strong where I was weak. ;_;
Dragon dance on arcanine would be a god-send![]()
Be strong where I was weak. ;_;
It'd basically be a Fire version of Gyarados, but with Dragonite's ExtremeSpeed.
I like it.
Gyarados has a 4X weakness holding it (anything electric leaves a dent), while Arcanine's biggest threats are Water and Ground moves, which do 2X damage on it. Coupled with much bulkier stats, I say Arcanine could be a bigger threat, specially with its movepool.
Arcanine though would have a serious 4 moveslot syndrome with DD, unlike the other DD users :S
If it helps, the changes are awesome and I'm baffled they didn't do it before.
I didn't help, did I?
IF arcanine gets dragon dance before flygon, who has no stat boosting move including quiver dance...flygon would be flareon level of trolled.
edit....What's Flygon?
What's Flygon?
Flygon is awesome, i used one in SS.
So you decided to not use the motion controls and just let the Flygon eat your foes?
So you decided to not use the motion controls and just let the Flygon eat your foes?
I'd take a Flygon over a Skyloft any day
Didn't they swap the legendaries though? Think black had the black dragon.
What would a good rain team be?
I've got Politoed, dude who knows Thunder and Kingdra so far. Who else would fit?
Gold is still the best male trainer ever.
Didn't look in the Japanese OT but wasn't everyone siding toward one version?
Having skipped b/w I'm indifferent, but outsides of different Pokemon, what other big differences are there?
Hmm Ferrothorn sounds interesting.
Kinda don't want to use Ludicolo cause he looks so goofy. And I've been getting fucked up by a Ludicolo user.
Speaking of which what's a good counter to a SubSeed Ludicolo? I've been thinking of just using Taunt on it. What are some good Pokemon to use taunt with?
Hmm Ferrothorn sounds interesting.
Kinda don't want to use Ludicolo cause he looks so goofy. And I've been getting fucked up by a Ludicolo user.
Speaking of which what's a good counter to a SubSeed Ludicolo? I've been thinking of just using Taunt on it. What are some good Pokemon to use taunt with?
And yours are too!Why yes your opinion is wonderful.
I think most people were siding with Black 2, because that has the unlockable key which makes the single player harder.
You have to trade it to a different game to get the full effect, though.
This is your best avatar yet.
That's incredibly hurtful :'(/jk
That was his first avatar, to my knowledge.
Is morn Chet time over already? I guess I better get my next avatar ready
That was his first avatar, to my knowledge.