If I believe it hard enough, it will happen!
Innocence, thy name is UltimateIke.
Believe it!
If I believe it hard enough, it will happen!
Win thread.
Big Bleach fan here.
This is...new. And intriguing...
You know i've never actually viewed any of that spin off, perhaps I should at some point.
The shitty filler in the standard show is awful enough to scare me from an entire series that is essentially filler in a way.
If we're going to talk about Naruto, we have to talk about the greatest thing that's happened because of it in a while.
Did someone call for Hitmonlee?
You poor soul.
Innocence, thy name is UltimateIke.Believe it!
I still say we pay Chet.Okay, I need to bring this up again: PokéGAF needs either its own t-shirt or an ensemble picture of all of us (or both!). I was browsing both the shirt store and pixiv at the same time, and I can't stands it no more. Let me give my money to you, nonspecific artist!
Oh gawd, now I'll never sleep again.
Maybe I will.Watch it. (it's on crunchyroll) Instead of me giving it compliments, just, watch it.
Okay, this got me good.Did someone call for Hitmonlee?
There's so many varieties of filler chaos across the entire series these days that I wouldn't even know which one you were scarred by.Oh, and please do not mention the filler of Naruto because I'm still scarred from that 4-5 month of filler chaos. Never have I ever seen something quite like it from an official product.
You poor soul.
Maybe if I get PaRappa to do a song with me...he's a dog too!
I still say we pay Chet.
There's so many varieties of filler chaos across the entire series these days that I wouldn't even know which one you were scarred by.
You know considering how hax that was I'm surprised they never did it again
There are only two sections of filler that I didn't like, one being the one with Sora and the Ninetails Chakra, and the last huge section... I believe it stretched from September/October of last year into sometime this year. I actually stopped watching it half way or a bit over half way in, and just waited for the main content to finally arrive many months later. I know part of the filler was the on their questto get to the island where Killer Bee is.
All that filler was really bad.
Not surprising since it was a one-off.
The counter shield though? That was like, in half of the Sinnoh battles at least. But it doesn't exist in Unova, must be the atmosphere.
This is the way to do it, and yeah that Sora one was just awful, the finale in particular was so half assed.
I think the last filler I subjected myself to was the Guren one, had it been half the length it could have been decent but oh well.
Oh yeah, so that pokemon guys, great stuff, still don't have any ideas for my Black 2 team.
I still say we pay Chet.
Yeah that one did drag on, but only because the episodes were just consistently repeating the same thing about both the characters. It wasn't too long, though. Just, if you ever want to watch something almost as bad as Sonic 2006's story, look for that section of filler.
I thought you couldn't see FB pictures.
he'd add boobs and we'd get banned in real life
I'm waiting for +Pokemon.
Pff, Twitter is too mainstream. The only tweets I get are from my Taillow.
Why would they create an account for a service no one uses?
#DragonDance #FreeChet
It worked! Nintendo just confirmed DD forDeino <3
But I run a Sp. Attack set on Hydreigon.
So my friend went to Japan over the summer and bought me some stuff from a Pokémon Center.
Just thought I'd leave these here...
Sorry about the quality! :([/QUOTE]
Cool Sasuke folder.
But I run a Sp. Attack set on Hydreigon.
OMG, Pokemon on Vita! Megaton!
OMG, Pokemon on Vita! Megaton![/QUOTE]
Looks like you forgot about this.
[quote="Syph Medwes, post: 38985636"]psssh no one owns a Vita[/QUOTE]
[quote="Billiechu, post: 38985747"]im getting mine tomorrow~[/QUOTE]
[quote="Andrex, post: 38986638"]But it doesn't even have MonHun...[/QUOTE]
[quote="Kokonoe, post: 38986863"][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo1Ssvrfjp4"]But it has Pokemon.[/URL][/QUOTE]
[quote="Andrex, post: 38986892"]...[I]Abominable[/I].[/QUOTE]
Ho-Oh should get Magic Guard.
Scrafty should get Sucker Punch first. It just seems like such a given.
gamferak pls
Dude don't worry, Scrafty is 4x resistant to Sucker Punch and can retaliate with a Fighting move.