Pff, just get with the superior Dragon Dancer.
#ScraftyDevil #Umad #Hydreigonisstillbestdragon #Hashtagsarecontrived
Scrafty, share with meeee! Teach me the ways of the ancient Dragon Dance! I'm ready, sensei!
Pff, just get with the superior Dragon Dancer.
#ScraftyDevil #Umad #Hydreigonisstillbestdragon #Hashtagsarecontrived
Okay, I need to bring this up again: PokéGAF needs either its own t-shirt or an ensemble picture of all of us (or both!). I was browsing both the shirt store and pixiv at the same time, and I can't stands it no more. Let me give my money to you, nonspecific artist!
I was blessed only with cuteness and natural charisma. Sigh...
Scrafty, share with meeee! Teach me the ways of the ancient Dragon Dance! I'm ready, sensei!
yeah this needs to happen. it would be amazing ;_;
What if Arcanine got Drought instead of Ninetails?
Stage On, I found the source for your avatar and made one that isn't squished!
I was blessed only with cuteness and natural charisma. Sigh...
I didn't think it would hit me, after playing BW2 already, but I'm hyped for the NA launch. I'm back into raising Pokemon right now. Trying out weird stuff in VGC format like Lopunny throwing Klutz at people with Entertainment, and the undervalued Fling+Razor Fang for another 100% chance of Flinch outside of Fake Out and actually hits Ghost.
Of course I'll probably burn myself out before BW2 is even out and I won't play it for months. Oh well.
I should try to get all the Pokemon for one game...I've never tried it before but it seems like it would be fun to do.
It sounds harder than it is, but it's actually easy if you just setup the information infront of you and just do it.
The true issue with catching them all? They haven't released certain legends in freaking years .
The true issue with catching them all? They haven't released certain legends in freaking years .
But we do have wireless Internet these days.
Transfering to Black/White is horrendous.
How so? I thought the transfer mini-game was pretty cool.
In Leaf Green if my Jolteon uses Thunder Wave on Alakazam will Synchronize make me paralyzed, or will Volt Absorb negate this?
Man I have to watch so many Pokemon movies, I only watched 4!
Funny thing, I'm handling a Pokemon movie night right now.
You're not a Junior Member anymore!
Good job, good buddy. May you have a long and fruitless GAF career.
Nicely done, Twiggy.
Now go and piss off a mod now; you can officially getting banned without it being an automatic perma!
I say congratz! Now your next step is to get a tag....good luck with that.
Funny thing, I'm handling a Pokemon movie night right now.
How many will you watch?
5. In fact, I'm the one organizing it along with another two.