There's few games - I'd never prefer to play Ico at 60FPS, and I'm glad they remastered that game at original framerate. I'm not sure about TLOU, but the dreamlike look of 30FPS and janky motion blur added something to the atmosphere of the game, even if it made gameplay less smooth. Besides, it's what the original game felt like, and I'm glad they're leaving the option. Less not throw insults and/or pretend there's no people around who wouldn't think along the same lines.
Besides, they're advertising the 30FPS lock as a *feature*, along with other enhancements. If it was there only as a crutch to help smooth the unsteady framerate, I doubt they'd go out of their way to advertise it.
well if they "remastered that game at original framerate", then it would still play at 20's range and not 30's
so, it was improved and you liked it too.
you think it is an insult to call bullshit with their name? I dont. its bullshit and should be called as they are.
on the contrary, I think its insulting for our intelligence and our long years going hobby, to even accept such defensive statements as correct and true.
yes, all of us, many times we have played games in less than stellar framerates, we have even played good games with bad framerates, but its not like we should acknowledge the wrong thing as the right. and thats what I see that some minority is trying to push (ie "its not objectively bullcrap, because I LIKE IT BETTER like that") and thats bad for all.
edit: and i am not talking about the particular game here, but for the entire notion "half framerate is good because I looove filmic games". such bullshit.