One thing is true from the slimy post tho, the systems are too hard coded and not flexible enough to simulate actual intelligent npcs.
The example of sleeping in the wrong bed at the granny house and her calling the guard after she knows you and you are saving her daughter is beyond retarded, she could just tell you gently that it is the wrong bed, not going from 0 to 100 super fast, the game should have way more middle-states depends on the circumstances.
Calling the guard would be ok if it is a total stranger at night, not in a case like that, like i said, the game lack a bit of flexibility in its systems.
I should be able to sleep on the ground in every place if i'm literally falling down because i haven't slept in 2 days, any human would sleep on the floor instead of literally dying of sleep depravation, make sleeping on the ground wasting your hunger meter 4x times faster and don't have any health regen and very little sleep regen and you can be attacked at any time by bandits that even get a free hit on you, so you know it's by far the worst sleep method but make it possible, forspoken gave you the chance to build an improvissed camp to sleep everywhere, the fucking forspoken ffs