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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II ⊰♖|OT|♖⊱ Stop! Or My Henry Will Swing His Sword!


I was talking in general, i didn't had problem with the granny or with sleeping, but her calling the guard immediately after you touch the wrong bed is the opposite of realistic and immersive.
I wouldn't want someone else sleeping in my personal bed either. I guess I understand what you are talking about though. Like the granny should know who you are. Maybe give you a warning. Like the blacksmith. Sometimes when I go talk to him he starts all pissed off like dude you literally know who I am.


Gold Member
Cant stop playing, send help papis



I wouldn't want someone else sleeping in my personal bed either. I guess I understand what you are talking about though. Like the granny should know who you are. Maybe give you a warning. Like the blacksmith. Sometimes when I go talk to him he starts all pissed off like dude you literally know who I am.
Yes exactly, let her give you a gentle warning and if you insist then call the guards (it would still be silly because you are saving her daugther so if they arrest you she is fucked but we can't pretend to have real humans that actually think about conseguences inside videogames...yet.).
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Yes exactly, let her give you a gentle warning and if you insist then call the guards (it would still be silly because you are saving her daugther so if they arrest you she is fucked but we can't pretend to have real humans that actually think about conseguences inside videogames...yet.).
I dont think you even get a charisma bonus from how well they know you or it's negligible compared to the clothing bonus. Bitch, i just saved your daughter and needed a place to sleep.

Edit: I didn't have money and tried to convince her (on my honor) I wouldn't do it again.I failed the check, She got mad and mocked my honor than ran to the guards. This was after I brought her daughter back.
Luckily it saved after I talked to her but it is stupid the game didn't take into account what i did.
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Early game can be rough, im just starting to feel good about my character after 20 hours so...it takes time, but the progression also feels satisfying and impactful. I had fun the whole time tho and im liking the combat more and more. The more you understand about it and the more skills you unlock the better it gets
I am now 23h in...and can confirm it starts to feel better now. The beginning was really rough. Died quite a lot, no money, no armor, no weapon, Henry weak as fck, no clue where I am, no clue where something is. Now I have quite nice armor, my sword still sucks (got two better ones...but missing the requirements), some good coin, found 4 cheating dices already (-> easy money with dice), Pepples and Mutt are back....progression has been made....yep! Love this game! :pie_starstruck:

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Where in the FUCK is a Henry supposed to find a spade of his own!?

All these farmers only got scythes and pitchforks I can't even pick up lol

Edit: lmao right after posting this I realized I was right in front of the general trader in Troskowitz and he had one

From the hour I played I found one outside of Granny's house and used it to bury the dead body of the bandit that was lying in the front yard (after I took all of his gear). Increased rep too.
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I didn't realize how tired I was of everybody in AAA games talking like MCU characters until Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 offered a welcome alternative

IMHO one of the biggest problems in every modern game.
Everyone sounds like your yappie adolescent nephew (because that's usually the mental age of the development team)
I decide to go back to the woman whose daughter i literally just rescued and decided to sleep in her house to save my progress. She wakes me up because i am apparently tresspassing and runs out to call the cops on me. Bitch, you literally just fucking hired me to assassinate someone and you wont even let me sleep in your house? I slept there for two days at the start of the game.

There's 3 beds in that hut. Old womans, daughters and the one on the floor for you to use. You used the one that wasn't yours to use. Imagine being a woman, going home to sleep and finding a man in your bed. What did you expect?
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One thing is true from the slimy post tho, the systems are too hard coded and not flexible enough to simulate actual intelligent npcs.

The example of sleeping in the wrong bed at the granny house and her calling the guard after she knows you and you are saving her daughter is beyond retarded, she could just tell you gently that it is the wrong bed, not going from 0 to 100 super fast, the game should have way more middle-states depends on the circumstances.

Calling the guard would be ok if it is a total stranger at night, not in a case like that, like i said, the game lack a bit of flexibility in its systems.

I should be able to sleep on the ground in every place if i'm literally falling down because i haven't slept in 2 days, any human would sleep on the floor instead of literally dying of sleep depravation, make sleeping on the ground wasting your hunger meter 4x times faster and don't have any health regen and very little sleep regen and you can be attacked at any time by bandits that even get a free hit on you, so you know it's by far the worst sleep method but make it possible, forspoken gave you the chance to build an improvissed camp to sleep everywhere, the fucking forspoken ffs :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
Only AI will be able to do what you are asking.

NPC is supposed to be nice, cause they called MC in their house. NPC doesn’t understand how to be nice and calling guests to their house means.

They only understand:

MC sleeping in my bed -> call guards.


Only AI will be able to do what you are asking.

NPC is supposed to be nice, cause they called MC in their house. NPC doesn’t understand how to be nice and calling guests to their house means.

They only understand:

MC sleeping in my bed -> call guards.
AI is a good idea but i think devs can also code middle states right now, for example the stealth has multiple states from white rabbit to yellow rabbit etc. because npcs don't immediately call guards on you if you are in their home very briefly or by mistake, but this change at night where it's logical to immediately call the guards because no one with 2 working neurons is gonna enter in your house at night "by mistake", so npcs actually already have multiple states for stealth that depend on multiple factors and not just a binary yes\no, so why don't code something on the familiar npcs so they gentle tell you that you are sleeping in the wrong bed? it can't be THAT complicated when you already have a similar system in other parts of your game.

I think AI is gonna bring these interactions even further in complexity but i think that such basic stuff should be coded by devs.
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Gold Member
It's like this game hates the concept of fun. The game hates you playing it and wants you to be miserable the whole time.

I decided to to do the early game quest of going to find my dog. On the way there i ran into a dude who killed me in two hits. So I decided to go around and ended up in the house where the lady rescues you in the opening. She tells me her daughter is missing so now I gotta walk all the way back to the village. I fast travel but ran into thieves who kept interrupting the fast travel and killing me. After 5 deaths to the guy with the shield who ignored all my parries, I decide to walk back.

The quest itself was fine, but then I was told to kill a farmer as part of the quest so I get there at night and am arrested for not having a torch. I pay the bounty and get a torch. But now I cant get inside the house to murder the guy because i dont have a lockpick. I dont have money for a lockpick because i get arrested every five seconds and have to pay the bounty. So i wait till the morning and go into the house only to find that he has his entire family with him. I cant kill him so i try to talk to him to have him make up with the woman, but that didnt work out and now I cant kill him without getting arrested. I decide to go back to the woman whose daughter i literally just rescued and decided to sleep in her house to save my progress. She wakes me up because i am apparently tresspassing and runs out to call the cops on me. Bitch, you literally just fucking hired me to assassinate someone and you wont even let me sleep in your house? I slept there for two days at the start of the game.

Everyone says this game is full of systems. Yeah, systems designed to make the game a miserable experience to play. This isnt fun. It's torture. The combat is torture. I bet japanese developers are looking at this disaster of a combat system and laughing their ass off at the sheer incompetence. The quest designs are equally obtuse and the game isnt half as 'open' as it thinks it is. Maybe things change as I play more of the game but im like 5 hours in and i feel like i have done nothing so far.

Eh... I just counted the maidens I saw working around the house. Then I just waited outside (with a torch) at night until the last maiden walked upstairs to go to bed. Then I snuck in without a lockpick, and the farmer was sleeping on the bench inside the door. I killed and robbed him, and by that time everyone was asleep. So I robbed the whole floor without waking anyone up and got out of there without issues.

...And it was fucking awesome. I was grinning at max at the end.

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Btw if it wasn't already clear, lockpicking doors is not the only way to enter someone house to steal (i hate the lockpick minigame with a passion) and if you steal at night with an armour you are gonna make more noise, i was forced to steal a guitar for a quest and i was able to enter from a window after some minor "parkour" but they caught me because i had my armour, reloaded and done the stealing naked and everything went well.
(or maybe they saw me naked and ignored me because they though i was a sex maniac ready for some action, who knows?)
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Btw if it wasn't already clear, lockpicking doors is not the only way to enter someone house to steal (i hate the lockpick minigame with a passion) and if you steal at night with an armour you are gonna make more noise, i was forced to steal a guitar for a quest and i was able to enter from a window after some minor "parkour" but they caught me because i had my armour, reloaded and done the stealing naked and everything went well.
(or maybe they saw me naked and ignored me because they though i was a sex maniac ready for some action, who knows?)

If you wear all black clothes clothes, you'll have a low visibility rating. Then you just stay out of the light and stand still when people are nearby


Gold Member
The money I was going to use to buy this went towards a PlayStation Portal.

I’ll have to wait for it to hit either service or a deep sale. Congrats to the dev though. Game looks fantastic!


Gold Member
>Go back to old herb lady who nurtured me and my homeboy back to health less than 24 hours ago
>I basically saved her life and did some chores for her less than 24 hours ago
>She asks me to go find her daughter, she is very worried
>Agree to do this without hesitation
>It's dark and it's raining, go inside, sleep in same bed I slept in less than 24 hours ago
>Awkward dialogue options that make no sense in the context of the situation

Why are videogames like this?
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>Go back to old herb lady who nurtured me and my homeboy back to health less than 24 hours ago
>I basically saved her life and did some chores for her less than 24 hours ago
>She asks me to go find her daughter, she is very worried
>Agree to do this without hesitation
>It's dark and it's raining, go inside, sleep in same bed I slept in less than 24 hours ago
>Awkward dialogue options that make no sense in the context of the situation

Why are videogames like this?
You too? Like 4th time in this thread someone mention this. That bed is hers and only yours to use in the intro mission, where you find Hans bed on the floor is where you can sleep thereafter (with that said yeah she should be lenient, that old hag will ask something very demanding from you later as well).


>Go back to old herb lady who nurtured me and my homeboy back to health less than 24 hours ago
>I basically saved her life and did some chores for her less than 24 hours ago
>She asks me to go find her daughter, she is very worried
>Agree to do this without hesitation
>It's dark and it's raining, go inside, sleep in same bed I slept in less than 24 hours ago
>Awkward dialogue options that make no sense in the context of the situation

Why are videogames like this?

The exact same thing happened to me and I thought it was a bug. You have to sleep on the other bed, on the floor, where Hans was being treated.

EDIT: Beaten.
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If you're not worried about getting the magic spoiled behind the game mechanics I'd recommend this video:

There's no spoilers other than mechanic-vise and some locations and items.


Can't do the Mutt quest as the silly bitch runs of screaming murderer. Its like I'm the terminator walking into town they all shit themselves.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
To anyone that has played the 1st game on console :

Lads, I'm REALLY interested in KCD2 but, like many others, I never got around playing the 1st game.
Yes, I know that there's a recap video on YT but... it's still going to feel like I'll be missing something going straight to the 2nd game.

Now, I've found the PS4 Royal edition (all DLCs included) for 15 Eurodollars but...shit is still locked to 30fps AND I'm also gaming on an OLED which is a no-no combo since I find it impossible due to the OLED inherent judder at anything below 60fps.
I've been reading over the internet that on the PS5 there's less texture pop-in and that the loading times are way faster due to the SSD but...it's still 30fps G'dammit and after watching a few KCD2 videos with its silky smooth framerate and better GFX in general I don't know if I could play the 1st one.

Now - and I'm gonna get dogpiled for this - I was thinking of turning True Motion (motion interpolation) on my LG C2 just for this but there's the fact that A) I'll have to turn VRR off from the console's settings each and everytime as to be able to enable True Motion (otherwise the option is greyed out) which is ball breaking and B) I don't know if it's going to be playable due to the added input lag...

Anyone else with the same dilemma ? To anyone that has played the 1st game on a PS5/XSX , what's your opinion ? Is it actually playable by 2025 standards ? (i.e , OLEDs/technical side/etc).


Sorry for the bump guys but can anyone offer any insight ?

Sorry for the bump guys but can anyone offer any insight ?

I've not played KCD 1 on console, so not sure. But it sounds like GeForce Now might be a solution for your specific dilemma? You could play KCD1 there at higher frame rate. Caveat--I've never used GeForce Now.

Also, KCD 1's story is really good, and the gameplay in 2 makes 1's kind of obsolete, so watching a recap of 1 and going into 2 seems just fine.


Gold Member
If you wear all black clothes clothes, you'll have a low visibility rating. Then you just stay out of the light and stand still when people are nearby
On the flip side though if you have all black clothing and sneaking around, your conspicuous rating will go up. So if guards do manage to see you, they will stop you even if you aren’t don’t anything particularly bad et the moment.

Of course if they don’t see you in the first place …

And yeah, game is amazing. I suspect I won’t finish Rebirth for like 2-3 more months now 😅.
FYI PC folk, You can inject DLSS or FSR framegen with optiscaler (https://github.com/cdozdil/OptiScaler) and it works perfectly, as well as the hud fix.

Was getting 80-90fps with a mixture of high/ultra settings without it, with optiscaler dlss framegen I'm getting a near locked 120. Cherry on top for me!
Thank you for this! I went from 85fps to 150fps in quick testing.

RTX 3080; 1440p, Ultra graphics preset w/DLSS Balanced


Flashless at the Golden Globes
There's 3 beds in that hut. Old womans, daughters and the one on the floor for you to use. You used the one that wasn't yours to use. Imagine being a woman, going home to sleep and finding a man in your bed. +

What did you expect?
I expected her to say, can you please sleep on the other bed? Instead of running out to call the cops.
AI is a good idea but i think devs can also code middle states right now, for example the stealth has multiple states from white rabbit to yellow rabbit etc. because npcs don't immediately call guards on you if you are in their home very briefly or by mistake, but this change at night where it's logical to immediately call the guards because no one with 2 working neurons is gonna enter in your house at night "by mistake", so npcs actually already have multiple states for stealth that depend on multiple factors and not just a binary yes\no, so why don't code something on the familiar npcs so they gentle tell you that you are sleeping in the wrong bed? it can't be THAT complicated when you already have a similar system in other parts of your game.

I think AI is gonna bring these interactions even further in complexity but i think that such basic stuff should be coded by devs.
Lemme give an example:

For stealth, throughout the game, they have coded,

MC > in my house > check time, daytime > no guards, else guards.


Compare to this,

MC > in my house > check time , daytime or did i give them quest, or is he nice to me > any condition yes, no guards.


Now try adding a bed to above, how complex it will get. It has to be for every npc and factor in different conditions they interact with MC in.
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