Just use Save & Quit, like others mentioned. It saves super fast and reloads/Continue in about 10 seconds. It's exactely the same as a normal save anywhere anytime system except that it overrights the previous Save & Quit slot. It works very well, you won't really miss the normal save.
I'm having issues with the combat too. It seems to really a bit too much on timing. Parrying works fine but then the ripost attack rarely lands (the enemies usually defend the ripost well) and then they ripost themselves and screw me over. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Can't beat Tomcat in a fight at all. On the plus side there aren't many situations in the game so far (20 hours in) where you are are forced to fight and even then you can just try to stay alive long enough for your buddies to do the job. But yeah, combat feels a bit like QTEs, which I dislike. But the rest of the game is so good that it hasn't affected my enjoyment much.
It's very similar. If you disliked the first I doubt you'll like this one.
I'm avoiding combat as much as possible. Been working well so far.
I can't beat Tomcat at a fight
What "trick"?
I did that once too. I think nothing happened to you in that situation because she didn't go to (her) bed herself.
They do search you on occasion in this game too. Once it happened to me while fast travelling through the main town, but I chose the option to just keep moving without stopping for the guards' request. Did that, no problem.
Haven't seen any. I suppose they're like in the first game. It would be cool if you could eventually chose who to marry or something. Like, propose to who you want and go to the local priest or something. Maybe some could connect more deeply with story too. RPGs need to put more effort into romance elements. And there should be a lot more variety too. Two options or so is way to limited.
Use the Save & Quit option, like previously mentioned. See my first reply in this post. It really is that easy and fast to use, it doesn't bother me one bit. It's like 10 seconds or so.