The split is the best thing that could happen to this site. A lot of those loonies were also in power here. And it was literally walking on eggshells. One joke about diversity, or claiming you liked controversial game x, and you were out.
In the end everyone ends up where he belongs. So it was only natural the bubble would burst and they would create their own toxic community. Good riddance.
I tried that site back in 2017. Never had I been so annoyed by gaming discussions. 100% of the gaming OT would derail within 10 posts, about a skirt being too sexualized, or a QA tester or VA was a bigot, or a font looked similar to what white supremacists use. They would always come up with something bad and dictated you should feel bad about it. Whenever you would ask if they could stick to the game itself, you'd get dog piled and a warning because you were dismissing grave concerns. It went completely against what a gaming discussion should be.
Its probably the most retarded gaming community I've seen online.